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SOLshine Photo Nutrition™  SOLshine Photo Nutrition™

SOLshine Photo Nutrition™

SOL PhotoVites™ 3M— HealthSpan Therapy


— PROTECT YOUR VISION: Light Therapy Warning

“Mal-illumination is to light as malnutrition is to food.”— Dr. John Ott — HEALTH AND LIGHT

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SAD LUX Rating — 13,470 LUX @ 2'

SAD Rated — 13,470 LUX @ 2'

SOLshine is the fullest-spectrum nutritional light source that includes 'visible & invisible' light wavelengths akin to natural sunlight. SOLshine emits “balanced” full-spectrum light (FSL) based on an innovative formula unlike any other SAD bright light or FSL.

User Guide

View or Download the User Guide [PDF]

About SOL PhotoVites™ — HealthSpan Therapy

SOL PhotoVites™

SOL PhotoVites™ emit "a balanced spectral diet" that includes a trace of UV and a broad band of near infrared light... unlike any other light.
—powered by— SOLshine Photo Nutrition™

Health Benefits

SOL PhotoVites are akin to vitamins that are required for normal cell function, growth and development.

Counters Blue Light

Helps prime retinal cells for repair & regeneration. A must when using computers & other electronic screens to counter blue light.

ATP Production

Aids the production of ATP (cellular fuel) in the mitochondria. 

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

Essential for sub-cellular as well as circulatory melatonin production which helps synchronize vital circadian rhythms and is especially beneficial at night to prepare for sleep.

Energy Boost

May also be used during the day for an energy boost much like a cup of coffee.

"One third of the energy your body consumes comes from the food you eat. The vast majority of the energy your body needs to maintain systemic equilibrium comes from environmental infrared light exposure."

— Dr. Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhDWorld Class Photobiology Expert

“We are all light deficient and this deficiency may be the source of our physical and emotional problems.”

— Dr. John Ott
3,000,000+ Copies Sold

SAD rated 10,000 plus lux

Preliminary Research

NOTE: International orders often require a wall plug adapter that is NOT provided.

—powered by— SOLshine Photo Nutrition™

SAD Rated — 13,470 LUX @ 2'

  • Weight: 1 lb 14 oz
  • Height: 8.5"
  • Width: 4.75"
  • Depth: 1.1"

NOTE: International orders often require a wall plug adapter that is NOT provided.

When using bioBulbs in ceiling cans, avoid error, compare dimension before ordering.

SOLshine Purple LED vs Common Blue LED

  • SOLshine utilizes leading edge ‘purple’ LED tech vs. potentially hazardous blue LED technology.
  • The Spectral Power Distribution (SPD) graph below approximates SOLshine’s ‘visible’ spectrum component.

SOLshine: 98.1 CRI (color rendering index) average

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the light that's emitted from SOlshine Photo Nutrition different than other full-spectrum lights (FSL)? 
  • Other FSL lights are not actually full-spectrum. They are visible spectrum only and do not include a broad band of essential near infrared light (NIR) or a trace of ultra violet light (UV).
  • So-called FSL that does not include invisible near infrared light (NIR) is harmful to one's biology, especially the eyes. (Retinal damage by commercial LED
Why are some of the SOL PhotoVites near infrared (NIR) LEDs faintly glowing red and some have no glow? 

There are 5 different wavelengths of NIR. The shorter near-infrared wavelengths which are closer to visible red light appear as a faint red glow. The longer NIR wavelengths will be invisible, however all are infact working properly.

Why are some of the LEDs not glowing in the SOL bioBulb? Are they not working?

All of the LEDs are working properly, however the brightness of the white light washes out the faint glow of the near infrared (NIR). Half of the 18 LEDs will appear to not be working, however they are emitting 5 different NIR wavelengths.

What is the difference between SOL bioBulbs and SOL PhotoVites?

SOL Photovites primarily serves as a light therapy device, intended for use in shorter sessions. On the other hand, SOL bioBulbs, while also offering therapeutic benefits, are mainly designed for providing nutritional lighting to the environment all day.

SOL Photovites are nutritional light therapy devices that regulate brain chemistry and address circadian rhythm disruption in order to reduce the risk of mal-illumination and metabolic syndrome. 

Being SAD Rated: 14,840 LUX @ 2', they're also ideal for a host of other light related issues: (see) benefits in the nav bar and a sample of related research.

  • User Guide: SOL PhotoVites
  • Preliminary Research
  • 2-modes: timed 15 minutes FSL & NIR session combined and timed 15 minutes NIR only session: 30 minutes total protocol
  • 20 visible full-spectrum LEDs & a broad band of 5 different wavelengths of near infrared (NIR)

SOL bioBulbs are also therapeutic being SAD Rated: 10,940 LUX @ 2', however they are primarily intended for "nutritional" environmental all day light and especially when computing. SOL bioBulbs utilize 9 'visible; full-spectrum LEDs and a broad band of 9 near infrared (NIR) LEDs. They are non-dimmable and have a long life of 30,000 hours with a 2 year warranty. 

Are there any contraindications or side effects when using SOLshine?

With any new product, we always recommend starting low and slow. Anyone with a medical condition should check with their physician before using. On rare occasions, a side effect can be similar to drinking 'too much' coffee, depending on one's sensitivity. Another description of this could be "edgy." If this occurs, reduce the amount of use time and/or simply increase the distance from the light source.

Can SOLshine be used for seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?   

Yes, SOLshine will benefit SAD sufferers, however SOLshine is not limited to bright light therapy for SAD. SOLshine addresses the epidemic of Mal-illumination of which SAD is a sub-syndrome.

When we began our research in March of 1988, a headline on the cover of People Magazine boldly proclaimed, "Full Spectrum Light CURES Depression!"—a statement that was quite astonishing at the time, as the term "CURED" is not typically used in this context nor is it allowed today. The concept of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) has since become a foundational element in the discussion of light therapy. Red light therapy, supported by numerous peer-reviewed studies ranging from pain management to beauty, alongside the growing awareness of blue light's impact on eye health, has significantly contributed to understanding light's importance. It took three decades for the concept of SAD light therapy to truly permeate public consciousness. Echoing the insights of Dr. Jacob Lieberman, who regards light as the medicine of the future, it's clear that the future of medicine, with light health and therapy at its forefront, is now.

SOLshine has fundamentally enhanced full spectrum lighting. Our SOLshine products, offering the most comprehensive spectrum available, truly earn the designation of Nutritional Light. Surpassing traditional SAD lighting and even advancing beyond Dr. Ott's contributions, we provide the most extensive, "balanced" spectrum of light. Discover more about OUR TECHNOLOGY here.

What is SOLshine's recommended use?



  • SOL PhotoVites is intended for morning nutritional light therapy and may be used throughout the day for a natural energy boost.
  1. Unique dual modes allows for a convenient timed sessions.
  2. Near infrared mode is especially beneficial at night to aid sleep.   
  3. SAD light therapy 


  • SOL bioBulb is used for nutritional light therapy as well as all-day natural lighting.
  1. Includes a convenient "clip-on" with cord & switch.
  2. May also be used in track & overhead cans for general lighting. 
  3. SAD light therapy 


  • SOL Telescope (includes a SOL bioBulb)
  1. Adjustable height & directional gooseneck floorlight is convenient for many applications. 
  2. Especially beneficial to counter computer radiation and blue light.
  3. SAD light therapy 
Will SOLshine give me a tan?

No. SOLshine will not give you a tan. 

Can I hurt my eyes by looking at SOLshine?

SOLshine will not damage your eyes by glancing at the light, but it is bright and it is not intended to look at the light to receive wellness benefits. SOLshine is intended to deliver a light 'shower' much like sunshine at noon.

As a matter of fact, our products support eye health by emitting NIR and red light which helps reduce the risk of retinal-inflammation by priming the cells in the retina for "repair & regeneration."

Can I wear my eyeglasses while using SOLshine?

Yes, but eyeglasses may partially filter the light, hindering complete absorption of the light's current intensity. If feasible, removing your eyeglasses is recommended. When using the bioBulb, positioning it above your head is optimal to ensure the light isn't filtered by your glasses.

Is SOLshine safe for children to use?

SOLshine is safe for children of all ages. As a matter of fact, studies show that poor or inappropriate lighting in schools can adversely affect children’s health and their ability to learn and full spectrum lighting can actually enhance Scholastic Performance

Do your lights come in yellow? Why are they white?

ALL full-spectrum lights appear white. In other words, all of the colors of the spectrum together (sunlight) appear white. You would not want"limited spectrum"yellow light. The biological benefits (see benefits in nav bar) associated with full-spectrum light & sunlight are quite overwhelming as this small collection of research indicates.

Do the lights produce heat?

There's minimal heat and our near infrared (NIR) component for"blood" photobiomodulation is non thermal unlike high heat far infrared light often associated with an infrared sauna. Although our lights have multiple applications, our primary focus is to reduce mal-illumination and the risk of disease, especially associated with metabolic syndrome.

Can I use SOLshine at night?

Yes, however, we do not recommend it. When the sun goes down, one should reduce the light in their environment as much as possible and preferably shift to red light. Red light does not interfere with sleep and the production of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Additionally, it's health wise to reduce all screen time an hour or two before bedtime because of the high energy visible (HEV) blue light emitted that interferes with melatonin production.


What is the warranty?

Our products come with a 2-year warranty, ensuring a full replacement in the event of defects arising from normal use.

How does SOLshine full spectrum with NIR compare to red light with NIR?

As full-spectrum light (FSL) pioneers (Ott Light Systems, 1987-97), we refer to FSL with NIR as the "fullest" spectrum light or Nutritional Light Technology (NLT). As the name suggests, full-spectrum light contains all of the color spectrum of the rainbow. However, common full-spectrum lights do not include essential "invisible" UV and NIR. 

Technically, NIR is "limited" spectrum light. However, there's no doubt that NIR and/or NIR/red light therapy (RLT) has remarkable health and wellness benefits. For simplicity, one may compare our nutritional FSL to a multi vitamin and NIR/red light as individual vitamins since light is in fact a nutrientAs I think you may know, RLT is very popular and is often referred to as photobiomodulation (PBM).

Here's a post that compares PBM with our "blood"PBM

To learn more about health span, longevity and the miracle of FSL, please checkout the navigation benefits link along with a host of health related subjects associated with FSL research.

I read that SOLshine products have some UV light. Should I worry about negative effects?

Our products contain a trace amount of UV light, specifically UV-A, which is supported by research to offer potential benefits.

Learn more here.

What nanometers (nm) does the light use?

Our Nutritional Light Technology ranges from a trace of UV at 350 nm through the visible, full-spectrum with a curve similar to sunlight, as well as 780, 810, 830, 850 & 900 nm for a broad band of near infrared light(NIR) that drops off at 1000 nm. 

Please see the SPD test (spectral power distribution) to get a visual perspective

Have you tested the PhotoVites for flickering and EMF?

Our SOLshine PhotoVites utilizes DC (direct current) technology, ensuring no flicker and exceptionally low EMF levels. We ensure that our lights meet the Swedish standard for electric and magnetic fields, posing no concern when tested at a distance of 12 inches or more from the device.

Safe Bright Light Therapy

If you're looking for full-spectrum light therapy to support someone struggling with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), clinical depression or circadian rhythm disruptions (CRD), it's important to be aware of a little known... 


Common SAD light boxes do NOT include sufficient red light  and lack essential near infrared light (NIR) that's absolutely necessary to mitigate retinal inflamation.

“LED light exposure that is not balanced with full (spectrum) sunlight loaded with the red parts of the spectrum is always damaging to your biology.”— Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhD, Photobiology Expert

Reduce Your Risk of SAD, Depression, Burnout and Stress

SAD Ratings

  • SOL PhotoVites light panel— 13,470 LUX @ 2'
  • SOL bioBulb w/clip on holder—10,940 LUX @ 2' 
  • SOL Telescope floor light—10,940 LUX @ 2' 

SOLshine is the fullest-spectrum nutritional light source that includes 'visible & invisible' light wavelengths akin to natural sunlight. SOLshine emits “balanced” full-spectrum light (FSL) based on an innovative formula unlike any other SAD bright light or FSL.

SOLshine Photo-Nutrition builds on the technology of the father of full-spectrum light, Dr. John Ott. SOLshine intrinsically improves the spectral quality and biological benefits by increasing the CRI (color rendering index) of R9 red to 97 CRI (average), adding a “99” CRI R15, a trace amount of ultraviolet light and five (5) different wavelengths of essential near-infrared light (NIR).

CRI R9 is a very important metric because many light sources will be lacking in red content, but this fact will be hidden due to the averaging out of CRI calculations which do not include R9.

"One third of the energy your body consumes comes from the food you eat. The vast majority of the energy your body needs to maintain systemic equilibrium comes from environmental infrared light exposure."

— Dr. Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhD

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Kyle Butler
High Quality!

I'm very impressed with this lamp, the lights really feel "sun like", similar to full mid-day sunlight and I have enjoyed the near-infrared mode as well. Overall, this performs much better than previous SAD lamps that I have used.

Peter King
3 weeks in, used the lamp every day

Firstly thanks to SOLshine for very professional and quick answers, shipping anything to Finland is not easy.

Secondly the light has become a daily discipline to me and I have seen an uplift in my mood and mental processing. I will continue to use the light all year. Thanks

Paul Kain
Outstanding product

I am so happy I purchased this device. The quality is evident from the moment you hold it in your hands, it's solid. The size, the design, the light it emits, all surpassed my expectation. I did my research first then looked at different companies selling this type of device and I am very sure, now after using it for more than a month, that I made the best choice with the Sol PhotoVites.
Very well made and well worth the price by far.

Aaron K
We're enjoying our lightamins.

It's great to have full spectrum light (including the infrared) in the dark of winter!
It's been described in our house as like a warm hug from someone who cares about you.
We also enjoy using the SOL PhotoVites for Infrared on its own.
In gratitude,

Carol Crawford
Customer service

Solshine goes above and beyond when it comes to customer service. I live in Canada and placed my light order at the time when Canada Post went out on strike. This created havoc with shipments but Ken Cedar contacted me and kept in touch until I received my order. I am impressed with the quality of the lights and have been using them daily. Thank you for your dedication to create a healthy product. I feel like I am sitting on a beach in the sunshine. Great to combat the winter blues in Canada.

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