Safe Bright Light Therapy

from —The "Full-Spectrum" SAD Light Pioneers

Please be aware of a serious "unrecognized" health concern if you're researching light therapy for mood disorders such as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), clinical depression, circadian rhythm disruptions (CRD) or the risk of mal-illumination.


“LED light exposure that is not balanced with full (spectrum) sunlight loaded with the red parts of the spectrum is always damaging to your biology.”

— Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhD, Photobiology Expert

ALL common SAD light boxes do NOT include sufficient red light and lack essential near infrared light (NIR) that's absolutely necessary to mitigate retinal inflamation.

Safely Reduce SAD & Circadian Disruptions

SAD Ratings

  • SOL PhotoVites light panel— 13,470 LUX @ 2'
  • SOL bioBulb w/clip on holder—10,940 LUX @ 2' 
  • SOL Telescope floor light—10,940 LUX @ 2' 

SOLshine Photo Nutrition

  • SOLshine is the fullest-spectrum nutritional light source that includes 'visible & invisible' light wavelengths akin to natural sunlight. 
  • SOLshine emits “balanced” full-spectrum light (FSL) based on an innovative formula that's truly —unlike any other SAD bright light or FSL.

SOLshine builds on the technology of the father of full-spectrum light, Dr. John Ott.

  • Our founders were SAD light therapy pioneers and originally manufactured and marketed the patented, full-spectrum Ott Light System (1987-97).

SOLshine intrinsically improves the spectral quality and biological benefits by

  • Increasing the color rendering index (CRI) of R9 red to 97 CRI (average)
  1. R9 is a very important CRI metric.
  2. Most light sources will be sadly lacking in naturally required red content.
  3. This fact is hidden due to averaging of CRI calculations which do not include R9.
  • Adding a “99” CRI R15 for natural skin tone
  • Adding a trace amount of ultraviolet light
  • Adding five (5) different wavelengths of essential near-infrared light (NIR).

Near Infrared Light is Absolutely an Essential Photo Nutrient for Health & Safety

"One third of the energy your body consumes comes from the food you eat. The vast majority of the energy your body needs to maintain systemic equilibrium comes from environmental infrared light exposure."

— Dr. Alexander Wunsch, MD, PhD