Light, electricity, and magnetism are manifestations of electromagnetic radiation aka electromagnetic frequencies.
The sun is the primary source of natural or 'native' EMF.
Electricity and electrical devices are sources of unnatural or 'non-native' EMF (nnEMF).
Natural sunlight helps to mitigate or counter nnEMF.
EMFs: an ocean of indoor pollution that we swim in daily.
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD, explains potential EMF health risks. (2.5 min. video)
Dr. Magda Havas, PhD is not associated with SOLshine.org. This video is not an endorsement.
EMFs restrict blood and oxygen to your brain causing or contributing to...
- Insomnia
- Headache & Migraine
- Muscle & Joint Pain
- Depression, Anxiety & Irritability
- Short Term Memory Problems
- Nerve Pain & Eye Pain
- Tingling & Numbness... and more.